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"Hahah funny Manipulation... Why show the women's shots from their TEENAGE YEARS to AFTER they are THIRTY?! Before- A teenage year paparazzi shot. After- An editorial, full on make-up, 15 years later "

"Candice Swanepoel has the B.E.S.T body in the world!! No model gets near her. She's in a different league !"

"All the money in the world (well not all..but) still lame-ish costumes...."

"Races DO NOT exist in the Human Race. It's all ONE race- the human race! You can find different races in dogs but not in people. It should be Ethnic groups. That's all!!"

"Sorry, but so many mistakes here. Every oblique eyes (e.g. Taylor Swift) instantly remind you "Asian"? That seems a little weird. Also weird, what's a Jewish look?! There are Polish Jewish and Chinese"
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Most of them just got a new nose but, Scarlett for exemple, got a new nose, cheecks and smile.
Please, before comment something like "funny Manipulation" pay atention to the photos...Are you really that innocent to think that noses would get a lot thinner and huge cheeks/lips would grow from nowhere?
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